Sex means one kind of forceful flow that contains reaction. Usually this kind of flow comes from attraction. So it is easy to realize that, attraction must be safe. A one moment attraction destroys one’s principle and morality. But this kind of attraction is controllable. It’s true that, only real education may control this. Because education teaches us, what is wrong? What is right? What is the difference between right and wrong? Now a-days educated persons are to blame for this kind of unsafe attraction. It has two causes, educated persons are not educated in real education or they are failure to realize the difference between right and wrong. Forceful or unsafe attraction flows to reaction. Sometimes this kind of reaction is essential. It is the universal truth that, it is the most important part of life. Actually sex is major demand of man. It is that kind of demand which satisfies immediately. A male satisfies female’s demand and a female satisfies male’s demand.
Sex is the pre-condition of birthing. To birth a child sex is essential. Generally sex rises to see the specific organ of body. Male are impressed females out look. Impression is the first condition of sex. Generally males are busy to create sexual relation from first impression. But female are passionate to create sexual relation. So our social culture prefers male sex but not female sex. Female’s demands are neglected in our society. Prostitute house offers male sex. Though male satisfies there demand with female. As a result female are gainers for money!
There are many sex elements in our society. Condom is the most popular sex control element. It is the coat of sex that control unexpected birth. Condom is the control item of HIV virus that is the most dangerous enemy of free sex. The free sex comforts the body and mind. But it creates problems in society and family. A family may destroy for free sex. If free sex is permitted from family then it may be normal. Now we live in millennium world and our mental themes are free from any kind of obstacle. So now we talk about the merits and demerits of free sex.
Generally frustration, unbelief and Scarcity of mutual understanding are the main cause of free sex. Sometimes failure ness and frustration brings free sex. Free sex can’t support the mind but free sex partners believe this is the shelter of mind. Free sex is the cause of HIV AIDS and many other sexual diseases. Though in present time, man are very cautious and educated about sexual diseases. When a man occur free sex then his/her mind is traveling and he/she contains one kind of fascination which is difficult to distillate but it is true that sex is essential. One kind of young in our society, believes free sex is the practice match of real life. To lead a happy life sex is must so to practice free sex is the pre-condition of happy life. A free sex partner can’t believe his/her life partner though his/her life partner is honest.
To create a happy life and happy society sex is essential. We should practice pure sex but not free sex because it is the alarming condition for health, mind, society and overall country.
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